Ah, inspiration – it’s the key to writing gold, isn’t it? But how often have you found yourself staring at your keyboard, waiting for that muse to visit, and all you get is silence? Fear not. Science tells us that successful writing is more about discipline than frequently evasive inspiration.
To help you build a lasting, regular writing routine, let’s unpack practical lessons from bestselling self-development experts.
The myth of motivation
Many writers assume they need to feel inspired to write. In his book The Science of Self-Discipline, Peter Hollins debunks this notion with the idea that waiting around for motivation is a trap. ‘Inaction goes hand-in-hand with making excuses,’ Hollins explains, labelling procrastination as ‘the enemy of self-discipline’ hindering your progress. Instead, Hollins suggests developing habits that bypass your emotional state.
Case in point: Maya Angelou famously rented a hotel room for the sole purpose of writing every day. She wasn’t waiting for inspiration to find her. By creating a space where writing became automatic, she actively chased it.
Worst things first
No, Brian Tracy’s acclaimed Eat That Frog! was not a cookbook. The ‘eat that frog’ principle popularised by Tracy involves starting your day with your most challenging task. For writers, the ‘frog’ is often a dreaded blank page, and the only way to ‘eat that’ is to dive in before emails, errands or social media get a chance to distract you.
Consider the stringent writing routine of famous novelist Haruki Murakami. Beginning at 4 a.m., Murakami writes for five or six hours before tackling anything else. Tracy would argue that Murakami’s success is rooted in his commitment to write first thing in the morning. By doing the same, you sidestep procrastination and generate momentum that carries you through the rest of your day.
The power of micro-goals
One of the biggest challenges for writers is feeling overwhelmed by the scale of their projects. Hollins recommends breaking your daunting tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. For instance, instead of telling yourself to ‘write a novel’, tell yourself to write 500 words a day. Over time, the words will accumulate into that novel.
It’s all about perspective. Writing 1,000 words a day seems terrifying (unless you’re Stephen King!) but divide that monster by four and you get 250 words – a simple paragraph. Victorian-era author Anthony Trollope wrote over 40 novels by sticking to a daily writing quota of 250 words every 15 minutes. By focusing on incremental targets, Trollope achieved monumental success without burning himself out with the workload – and so can you. Incorporate a checkpoint that’s comfortable (but not too comfortable) into your day, and watch the pages start to stack up.
Training your willpower muscle
Willpower isn’t fixed; it’s a muscle, and like any muscle, it strengthens with use. In his book No Excuses!, Tracy notes that successful people cultivate their self-discipline by consistently dealing with difficult tasks. For writers, this could mean writing even when it’s the last thing you want to do.
It took J. K. Rowling five years to draft the first Harry Potter novel, during which time she lost her mother, got divorced and moved countries with her young daughter. Without Rowling’s willpower to keep writing through tough times, her debut series would never have become the phenomenal success it remains today. Each day you sit down to write, no matter how tired or uninspired you may feel, you’re flexing that willpower muscle.
The science of rewards
Hollins discusses hacking your brain’s reward centre to develop good habits – a cycle of cue, routine and reward. For writers, the cue might be settling at your desk with some coffee, the routine is writing for 30 minutes, and the reward could be a small treat or the satisfaction of hitting your word count. By embedding a system into your daily life, writing becomes a reflex, not a chore.
Your reward doesn’t need to be extravagant. Hemingway was known to mark his daily word count on a chart, finding satisfaction in visually measuring his progress – simple, but effective. Whether it’s a chocolate square, a celebratory dance or a Netflix episode, find the carrot that keeps you coming back to the page.
The follow-through effect
Social pressure is normally a bad thing, right? Not always, according to Hollins, who recommends finding a progress partner to keep yourself in check. Publicly committing to a goal, he explains, creates accountability – a crucial quality for success.
Think it’s impossible to complete a book in a month? Think again. Last year, author Jeff Goins impressed his readership by announcing he would write a book in 30 days. The pressure of his public commitment compelled him to stick to his word and achieve this ‘impossible’ goal, proving the power of accountability in action.
Your writing discipline toolkit
Ready to put these lessons into practice? Here’s your step-by-step plan:
- Summon the muse: set up your daily writing space – brew some coffee, light a candle or play your get-in-the-zone playlist.
- Frog be gone: schedule your writing before everything on your to-do list.
- Break it down: aim for micro-goals, such as 300–500 words per session.
- Exercise your willpower: show up to each session, come rain or shine.
- Reward yourself: celebrate each small win, no matter how modest.
- Stay accountable: share your progress with a friend or join a writing group.
The cycle of inspiration and writer’s block is an endless, frustrating, beautiful dance. But writing isn’t only magic and muses; it’s discipline wrapped in routine. By applying these strategies from Hollins and Tracy, you can transform your writing from a sporadic waiting game into a consistent, fulfilling practice. So go on – dangle the carrot, eat that frog and watch your words flow!